Gut-Brain Axis: The Melancholy of Our Gut Microbiome

July 11, 2016

The microbial population in our guts not only helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, but it also facilitates many important biochemical signaling pathways involved in diseases and our immune systems. The gut microbiome is also able to influence our mental state through the gut-brain axis. In this week's SciMon, learn how transplanting gut microbes from patients diagnosed with depression affects the mental state of germ-free mice. Learn more at: Products: Illumina HiSeq: Illumina TruSeq RNA Library Prep Kit: Publication Link: PMID:27067014 | Zheng, et al. (2016): The Science Mondays (SciMon) series is brought to you by Illumina Illumina hosts Kevin Maxkwee, Scientist in Scientific Affairs, and Jacques Retief, Associate Director of Scientific Affairs, give you a quick report on breaking news.

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