331 views | 10 years ago
Find out how cone snails ingeniously catch their fish; the revelation will leave you stunned. For more information on applications of Illumina technology in the field of Transcriptomics, please visit...
2005 views | 10 years ago
Single cell sequencing studies are on the rise with applications in a myriad of fields. Here we provide an introduction to single cell sequencing. For more information on applications of Illumina technology...
389 views | 10 years ago
Find out how similarly your eyes and nose collect information from the environment. For more information on applications of Illumina technology in the field of Transcriptomics, please visit us at Illumina:...
383 views | 10 years ago
Learn how sequencing was used to detect multi-strain tuberculosis in 18th century mummies. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/microbiology.ilmn More information: http://www.illumina.com/science/publications/publications-review.ilmn...
1734 views | 10 years ago
We’ve all heard the importance of exercise. Scientists study epigenetic changes in response to exercise. They observe genes upregulated after training was associated with decrease in DNA methylation....
624 views | 10 years ago
On average, 21 people die each day waiting for a transplant and one donor can save 8 lives. Donors that test positive for MDROs (multi-drug resistant organisms), such as Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus...
853 views | 10 years ago
Cheesemakers manage to make the same type of cheese in different parts of the world. Cheese and its rind are both a complex community of bacteria and fungus. Researchers use Illumina sequencing technology...
5396 views | 10 years ago
While some cancers subtypes can be elucidated using whole exome sequencing, others show an epigenomic signature. Researchers explore the versatility of Illumina technology, across whole exome sequencing,...