Dr. Rachel Butler: NGS, an enabling technology for pathology labs | Illumina Webinar

January 26, 2016

Dr. Rachel Butler, Head of the All Wales Genetics Laboratory discusses her rationale for adopting Illumina next-generation-sequencing (NGS) http://www.illumina.com/areas-of-interest/cancer/clinical-cancer-research.html and reviews its advantages in molecular pathology for profiling solid tumor samples. She shares her perspective on both traditional testing methods and the benefits of NGS. http://www.illumina.com/content/dam/illumina-marketing/documents/products/other/ngs-oncology-infographic.pdf Dr. Butler reveals how iterative sample testing was taking a toll on their lab. Now with Illumina NGS workflows, http://www.illumina.com/areas-of-interest/cancer/clinical-cancer-research/somatic-mutations/solid-tumors.html they use a single, cost-effective process for all their gene targets, which has dramatically improved productivity. Dr. Butler also highlights the Clinical NGS Consortium for Solid Tumours, a forum that’s establishing NGS best practices for European laboratories. Webinar at a glance • A first-hand report of NGS implementation in a molecular genetics lab, including panel design and analysis tools • An overview of the benefits of NGS vs. traditional methods • Expert insights from a member of the Clinical NGS Consortium for Solid Tumours Presenter: Dr. Rachel Butler Head of Laboratory All Wales Genetics Laboratory http://www.wales.nhs.uk/sites3/home.cfm?orgid=52 View related webinars Next-Generation Sequencing of FFPE Tumor Specimens | Illumina Video https://youtu.be/xKyAu7bUMII Advancing pathology and cancer research with next-generation sequencing | Illumina Video https://youtu.be/8BZtwtnkewU The MiniSeq™ System, a Simple, Affordable Sequencing Solution | Illumina Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBmOWNmj4Gk Subscribe to the Illumina video channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=IlluminaInc

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