Infinium Methylation: Introduction to GenomeStudio analysis and BeadArray Controls Reporter

August 2, 2021

This is an introduction to the Illumina Infinium Methylation Assay, GenomeStudio and BeadArray Controls. Whether you are new to these tools or would just like a refresher, this video will provide you with an overview of the methylation process and details on the Illumina tools that will help you in your workflow. Topics covered will include: - Methylation and Bisulfite Conversion - Basic overview of methylation and the relationship to cytosines. - How to generate a GenomeStudio Methylation Module project using GenomeStudio v 2011.1, including options for normalization and analysis - Evaluating built-in assay controls using the GenomeStudio Controls Dashboard and Bead Array Controls Reporter (BACR) - Data visualization tools in GenomeStudio #Illumina #GenomeStudio #Infinium

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